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River Etiquette: How to Share the Water


When taking part in an activity on the river, it is important to respect the pursuits of others. This means exercising courtesy toward everyone in their pastimes and keeping in mind that the Kishwaukee River is a public waterway open to all for the enjoyment of many. Having respect for all users is imperative in celebrating the incredible resource that is, the  Kish. Be courteous, responsible, and be aware, that there are multiple activities occurring simultaneously. Respect others that are exercising their own right to use the Kish, and be mindful of their activities.


Tubers need to be aware of their surroundings and cognizant of other river users.

They should stay clear of anglers, speak cordially with others, and remember that the river is for the enjoyment of all.


Fishermen should also avoid fishing in areas that may have high concentrations of tubers and kayakers.

If you are fishing and encounter a group of tubers or kayakers, you should retrieve your line and wait for the river wayfarers to pass.

It goes without saying, but fresh, clean water is essential for humans and nature to survive.


PLEASE DON’T LITTER! | Pack it in, Pack it out | Leave no trace

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