Smallmouth Hunter is a small group of local fisherman (mainly smallmouth fishermen) that not only enjoy fishing our local streams but also care for those same local streams for which we fish.
Currently Smallmouth Hunter sits at about 25 members. I have to admit that one of the reasons Smallmouth Hunter, Mobile App came about, was because of my failing eyesight, which limited my visits to my favorite little creek.
I needed eyes on Kilbuck and the use of the Smallmouth Hunter website and Mobile App was how I hoped to accomplish this. It worked, Thank you!
Smallmouth Hunter
Kilbuck Creek Watershed Restoration Project
I hold numerous parties responsible for a 4 mile stretch of Kilbuck Creek, in Winnebago Co. IL.
This 4 mile stretch begins at the top of Winnebago County Landfill at a bridge that was is installed (2018) to prevent garbage trucks from driving directly through the creek as they did the past. I have Labeled this bridge as "Terry Dodge ,Smallmouth Hunter Bridge" because I am the one directly responsible for it's installation. This will be the beginning point for the restoration project and then continue downstream to the confluence with the Kishwaukee River just south of the Chicago/Rockford International Airport.
Parties I Hold Responsible
Illinois State Government
The County of Winnebago
Ogle County
Winnebago County Landfill
Ogle County Landfill
Chicago/Rockford International Airport
I plan to have all parties, listed above, be the main source of funding for the Smallmouth Hunter Kilbuck Creek Restoration Project. I really don't see that they have much of a choice. To be continued.....