Hey Guys,
I’m going to attempt a safe river level study. Just wondering how many of you check the Kish water gages and maybe some input on what levels you consider safe for wading and for floating. Personally, going by feet, I consider anything over 6.30ft to be very spotty all the way up to about 7.20ft. Anything over that wading is out. I don’t think I’d float over 8.00ft. Anything over 8 feet I consider to be dangerous no matter what you are doing. That’s just my take on the matter. Like to hear yours.

So here’s the deal… I’m working on a Smallmouth Hunter Project. My idea is to make current river condition information readily available at the Baumann Canoe Launch for river recreationer’s to weigh the information provided and make their own individual decision on whether recreate or not. There are times when the Kish should not be tubbed. One problem I see is that if Joe Blow were to check the USGS site to see if the Kish was safe to tube at 9.50ft. well, the USGS misleads people to think that it is safe up to 11.50ft. and that’s just not true for recreational use. This is not Right/Wrong. Just suggestions to assist in the decision. Attached is a SAMPLE of what I am working on.