Was looking thru my notes and photos from last year and I caught my first smallie of the season on March 3rd. So this years season is coming soon hopefully. With me turning 65 in March and officially being retired I decided to treat myself to a new kayak for the up coming season. Its a 2022Jackson Coosa HD in the color Aurora. Its a bit longer 12-6 and wider at 34inches than my standard Coosa. Still a very river friendly hull and I am looking forward to getting it out on the rivers. We need Terry to break out his river dance to help rush spring along. Hoping to fish with some of my fellow hunters this year. THINK SPRING!

Nice rig. I'd love to have one or something like it. Been thinking about rigging my canoe with a seat near the middle for solo use. Not sure what I'll do yet.
Nice yak. I have the wilderness systems tarpon 120. Amazing in current. Great kayak. I don’t like how low the seat is. Wish it was a bit higher. I too will be looking for a different rig this year to help keep me a bit dryer and higher.
Oh, and CONGRATS on “officially being retired” ! You’re gonna love it. No ice in Arizona. No fish either but who cares. 😜
Nice! Now I want to buy one. https://youtu.be/7Sq-1zyqyMk