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Blue-Hole Expedition 2017

Rivers are running high, it's a four day, Fourth of July weekend, and I gotta fish.

Decided it was time to visit the legendary Blue-Hole once again.

I believe my last visit was in June of 2015, and this was also the first visit for Misty, my inflatable personal pontoon.

In 2015 a drug Misty the entire mile and a quarter (2.5 round trip) to get to Blue-Hole. It took me about 40 minutes to complete the oneway trip, which isn't bad, but I had some concerns for Misty's wellbeing being

drug across the ground for that far. She handled it well, but it's still asking a lot from her to expect her to ever do it again. Christmas of 2015 Santa got us a wheel cart.

With the use of a couple hose-clamps, I was able to mount the wheel-cart to the top of Misty's anchor bar, and by inverting the anchor bar I was able to pull Misty gently along the 1.25 trail to Blue-Hole.

Blue-Hole Expedition 2017:

There was a fair amount of extra water in the Blue-Hole and the level was up probably a good foot (12inches).

By the look of the high-water markings on the weeds along the shore, I would have to say the the level had dropped a good 18 inches from the torrential downpour the area experienced just a few days before.

This added water was above the weed beds which made casting pretty easy, but the water was stained which made the fishing tough.

Wildlife I saw was a bunch of turtles, great blue heron, bald eagle, other types of birds, and a mosquito.

I landed one (1) itty-bitty bluegill for all my efforts.

Avoided the skunk.

Thankfully I had 20lb braid spooled up.

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