The Dreaded Stretch

I use to hate this stretch of the Kish between the 20 and 90 bridges. I don’t think this surprises anybody here as I’m sure you all know the stretch I’m talking about here. This stretch is so shallow, and so long, and so open that on the wrong day a stif headwind could give you a bad attitude the rest of the way. I do have to say though, a couple downfalls managed to get stuck along the banks and are stable enough to where holes are being created and even deeper runs along the banks. I even managed to pull a few smallies off this section. Hell, even with the low levels I was able to float thru as long as I followed the channel. I think the river is going to flow in ways we’re not use to seeing. It’s gonna be Interesting.
Thanks for the update. No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man. Heraclitus
I want to fish that pond.
Thats the beauty of rivers every year the can be a little different!